成  绩:60 分
  • #30 Science and social studies for students with disabilities
  • #1 Promoting inclusion in secondary classrooms (2)
  • #2 Addressing the General Education Curriculum in General Education Settings with Students with Severe Disabilities
  • #3 To ensure the learning of every child with a disability
  • #4 Start the year off right
  • #5 Making Progress in the General Curriculum-Rethinking Effective Instructional Practices
  • #6 Perspectives of Special Education Teachers on General Education Curriculum Access-Preliminary results
  • #7 Developing present levels of academic and functional performance statements for IEPs
  • #8 Six Tips for Successful IEP Meetings
  • #9 Pursuing academic and functional advancement-goals services and measuring progress
  • #10 Toward authentic IEPs and transition plans- Student parent and teacher perspectives
  • #11 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要特色及其在特殊教育之應用建議
  • #12 台灣特殊教育課程綱要演變之特色與教學現場反思之探討
  • #13 一起成長-素養導向說觀議課的共備歷程
  • #14 十二年國教課綱中議題教育實施的途徑與作法
  • #15 Identifying appropriate test accommodations for students with learning disabilities
  • #16 Creating Better Tests for Everyone Through Universally Designed Assessments
  • #17 A brief review of effective teaching practices that maximize student engagement
  • #18 Increasing students' opportunities to respond- A strategy for supporting engagement
  • #19 從素養導向教學到評量的實踐之路-以國中國文領域為例
  • #20 Reading comprehension instruction for students with learning disabilities
  • #21 Improving reading comprehension of informational text-text structure instruction for students with or at risk for learning disabilities
  • #22 Beyond comprehension strategy instruction-What's next
  • #23 Inclusive comprehension strategy instruction-reciprocal teaching and adolescents with ID
  • #24 Effective writing instruction for students who have writing difficulties
  • #25 Self-regulated strategy development- A validated model to support students who struggle with writing
  • #26 淺論十二年國教數學素養導向教學
  • #27 Essential principles of effective mathematics instruction-Methods to reach all students
  • #28 A life skills approach to mathematics instruction Preparing students with learning disabilities for the real-life math demands of adulthood
  • #29 概念為本的科學探究教學實踐-一位國中教師邁向素養導向教學的第一哩路
  • 开课期间:2018-02-01~2018-06-30
  • 开课期间:2017-02-01~2017-08-01
  • 开课期间:2013-01-01~2013-08-31
  • 开课期间:2012-09-10~2013-01-31
  • 开课期间:2011-02-07~2011-07-31
