Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • w2_Ch2_Theoretical_Perspectives27-53
  • w2_1.-Feinstein-et-al.-2013
  • w8_Ch8_media_248-288
  • undefined
  • w3_1_Learning nanotechnology with texts and comics the impacts on students of different achievement levels
  • w3_2_public_comics2015_IJSE_B
  • w4_1_科學資訊閱讀_2018
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • w7_2_科學新聞
  • week9_Eval_Framework_ch3
  • Falk_et_al-2003-Journal_of_Research_in_Science_Teaching
  • w11_肥皂工廠非制式_2011
  • w13_1_素養導向數學活動設計
  • w13_2_Exploring the Development of College Students Situational Interest in Learning Science
  • w14-1_personal context_2007
  • w14_2_DeWitt_IJSE2007_supporting teachers
  • w15_1_情境興趣-制式與非正式課程科學學習的交會點(月刊)
  • w15_2_陳施煥鵬_碩士論文
  • 實5_戶外教學_吳雅詩
  • w17_Sandifer-2003-Journal_of_Research_in_Science_Teaching
Recommended Courses
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    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1062-Science Fair Activity Design and Research-21019
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1061-Curriculum Development & Design-00563
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1031-Theories and Research on Science/Math Learning-21017
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1011-Theories and Proactice of Science/Math Curriculum-21032
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices