成  績 :60 分
  • Educational Psychology in the Twenty-First Century
  • The Role of Educational Psychology in Teacher Education
  • Distributed Representations in Memory
  • Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation
  • Intelligence
  • Expanding the Dimensions of Epistemic Cognition
  • Interactions of Metacognition With Motivation and Affect in Self-Regulated Learning The MASRL Model
  • The Psychology of Academic Achievement
  • Reading list by Topic
  • A developmental extension to the multidimensional_
  • An integrative development-in-sociocultural-contex
  • Are dimensional comparisons performed unconsciousl
  • At-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy pr
  • Boosting Your Teacher Credibility_ Students_ belie
  • Bridging psychology and engineering to make techno
  • Challenges to psychology education and training in
  • Comparing apples and oranges_ Curricular intensifi
  • Do academics’ emotions in teaching affect their or(1)
  • Do academics’ emotions in teaching affect their or
  • Does an option to review instructional explanation
  • Early adolescent social status and academic engage
  • Effective and efficient acquisition of argumentati
  • Environmental neuroscience_
  • From discipline-centered rivalries to solution-cen
  • Instructor presence in video lectures_ The role of
  • Kindergarten domain-specific and domain-general co
  • Maybe they’re born with it, or maybe it’s experien
  • Merit Pay for a New Generation_
  • More useful or not so bad_ Examining the effects o
  • Personality and prosocial behavior_ A theoretical_
  • Professional Learning 2
  • Profiles of motivational beliefs in math_ Explorin(1)
  • Profiles of motivational beliefs in math_ Explorin
  • Relative importance of intelligence and ability se
  • Rethinking the nature of cruelty_ The role of iden
  • Supporting teachers’ use of data-based instruction
  • The 2I_E model_ Integrating temporal comparisons i
  • The Conscientiousness × Interest Compensation (CON
  • The Teachers of 2030_
  • The better-than-average effect in comparative self
  • The policy relevance of personality traits_
  • The role of representational system in relational_
  • The ups and downs of reading across content areas_
  • Understanding, educating, and supporting children_
  • What Aristotle didn’t know about flavor_
  • Educational neuroscience bridging theory and practice
  • Facing the challenges of the future of education
  • Mindfulness in education
  • “Forward Flow” A New Measure to Quantify Free Thought and Predict Creativity
  • Educational neuroscience bridging theory and practice
  • Facing the challenges of the future of education
  • Mindfulness in education
  • Allen2019_Article_TheRelationshipBetweenVisuospa
  • Duijzer2019_Article_EmbodiedLearningEnvironmentsFo
  • Lillard2019_Article_ShunnedAndAdmiredMontessoriSel
  • Murayama2019_Article_ProcessAccountOfCuriosityAndIn
  • Pekrun2019_Article_TheMurkyDistinctionBetweenCuri
  • Shin-Kim2019_Article_HomoCuriousCuriousOrInterested
  • Wilt2019_Article_WhyDoChildrenBecomeRejectedByT
  • Syllabus (2020) (1)
  • Reading list by Topic
  • Gender Integration and the Promotion of Inclusive Classroom Climates
  • Do academics’ emotions in teaching affect their or(1)
  • 1102-心理與教育統計學研究-13014
  • 1091-中等教育實作與服務學習-00581
  • 1022-教育心理學專題研究-13010
  • 1012-基礎統計-41069
