Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 107(1) Single Subject Research Syllabus
  • 107(1) Schedule-Joan
  • 107.09智財權問題(參考)
  • 師資培育審議會第100次會議紀錄0928奉核版(提供師培大學)
  • 師培第100次審議紀錄0928奉核版(含十二年國教課程領域科目)
  • C1 緒論
  • 圖1
  • 圖1
  • C2 目標行為的確定
  • 107.10.03學生專業證照獎勵辦法
  • C3 目標行為的測量
  • C4 目標行為的觀測信度
  • hello
  • 何謂月暈效應
  • 區辨性增強-正確版
  • 正向霍桑效應的回報
  • C5 實驗效度的考量
  • C6 個案實驗研究設計的特徵
  • 107.12.27研究倫理工作坊(三)
  • C7 展示實驗過程與成果的統計圖形
  • C8 判讀實驗過程與成果之圖示資料
  • 實驗資料目視分析表
  • 20181204_海外留遊學停懶人包
  • C Statistic
  • C12比較處理實驗設計的原理與應用
  • C_statistic
Recommended Courses
  • 1092-Consultation, Collaboation, & Teamwork in Special Education-12067
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1092-Administration & Legislation of Special Education-12057
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1081-Quality of Life for Individuals with Disabilities-12069
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1081-Collaboration & Consultation-12071
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1002-Practicum in Special Education (for Disabled Learners)(VI)-12040
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices