Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 106(2) Schedule
  • 106(2) Syllabus (Class A)
  • 2017.12.01 AI可以達成的十種教育任務
  • 2016 Communication Bill of Rights
  • C12 Outlines & Cases
  • I. The Importance of Communication
  • II. Features of Conmmunication
  • III. Identifying & Assessing Communication
  • IV. Developing an Instructional Plan
  • V. Learning Outcome Summaries
  • VI. Suggested Activities
  • 2018電腦溝通輔具目錄
  • 107.02.01教師資格考試辦法
  • 107.12.04-05第二屆台日極重度智多障服務研討會
  • 106(2) Show & Tell (A)
  • 107.07.13輔助溝通系統應用與設計研習簡章
  • 虛擬實境運用在課堂教學
Recommended Courses
  • 1072-Communivation Skilld Training for Students with Severe & Multiple-12035
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1074-Learning and Instruction for Students With Severe and Multiple Disabilities-12003
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1023-Instructional strategies for Teaching the Disabled(VI)-12002
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1023-Practicum in Special Education (for Disabled Learners)(VI)-12003
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1031-Collaboration & Consultation-12076
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices