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  • Educating to Build Bridges
  • Mathematics Teacher Educators' Perceptions and Use of Cognitive Research
  • ParentChild Dialogue and storybook reading in the electronic era
  • Teachers' Awareness of the LearnerTeacher Interaction
  • Teachers' Spatial Anxiety Relates to 1stand 2ndGraders' Spatial Learning
  • Teaching as a Dynamic Phenomenon with Interpersonal Interactions
  • The Human Nervous System A Framework for Teaching and the Teaching Brain
  • The Potential of Systems thinking in teachers reform as theorized for teaching brain framework
  • The Science of Human Interaction and Teaching
  • The Science of the Individual
  • Developing Children's Understanding of Fractions An Intervention Study
  • Eating Right Linking FoodRelated DecisionMaking Concepts From Neuroscience, Psychology, and Education
  • LanguageSwitching Costs in Bilingual Mathematics Learning
  • Numerical Magnitude Representations and Individual Differences in Children's Arithmetic Strategy Use
  • Teacher Perceptions of NeuroEducation
  • Teaching Is a Natural Cognitive Ability for Humans
  • The Teaching Brain and the End of the Empty Vessel
  • tMaking Learning Visible
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  • Bringing Research Into Educational Practice Lessons Learned
  • Communication in Mind, Brain, and Education Making Disciplinary Differences Explicit
  • Knowledge and EvidenceBased Education Reasons, Trends, and Contents
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  • You have full text access to this contentThe Study of Adolescent Identity Formation 2000–2010A Review of Longitudinal Research
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  • Examining the Light and Dark Sides of Emerging Adults
  • Examining the Light and Dark Sides of Emerging Adults
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