Grade:60 Fraction
41042 研究方法 Research Method
1121 Electronics DataBase0922
Second language research Methodology and Design (Mackey & Gass)
EndNote20 Win 詳細版
1121 APA References Reviews
1121作業 1資料搜尋暖身操李宇絜範例及空白表格
EndNote 20_2023 簡報
【線上LIB學堂】寫論文必學EndNote書目管理軟體-20230324 0607-11
Constraints on Noticing the Gap Nonnative Speakers' Noticing of Recasts in NS-NNS Interaction
Becoming First Graders in an L2 An Ethnographic Study of L2 Socialization
Topic 1 Introduction to Research
Topic 2 Qualitative Research Method
The effects of task-based speaking tasks on Iranian univerity students willingness to communicate and self-efficacy in online classes a mixed-methods study
Ellis 2002 DOES FORM FOCUSED INSTRUCTION AFFECT THE The Acquisition of Implicit Knowledge
Co-regulation strategies and their associations with writing self-efficacy in a computer-mediated collaborative writing setting
- Course Introduction
- Course Plan
- 評論