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遠端教學 Google Meet 代碼:nat-fjtp-eia
====== COVID-19 Remote Access Support ======
COVID-19 Remote Access Support, Journal of Chemical Education
====== A1. 報導性的文章(學術性較低)(英文)======
A. Young Ambassadors for Chemistry in Taipei, Taiwan, and Mauritius. Chemistry International
A. New Exhibit Kicks Off the U.S. Celebration of IYC 2011. Chemistry International
A. National Chemistry Week (Part I). Journal of Chemical Education
A. National Chemistry Week (Part II). Journal of Chemical Education
A. Behind the Scenes with Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Education
A. Hollywood special effects how did they do that? ChemMatter
A. Greening the Blue Bottle, Journal of Chemical Education
A. Artistic Chemistry: A Beautiful Collaboration, Chemmatters
A. Student-generated assessment. Education in Chemistry
A. Fire and light in the sky. Education in Chemistry
A. Chemical Demonstration Show. The Chemical Educator
====== A2. 報導性的文章(學術性較低)(中文)======
A. POE & POEC 教學策略(此主題全部有三篇文章)〘109-1〙
A. 科學魔術〘109-1〙
====== B1. 介於報導性與學術性的文章(英文)======
B-Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Raven and the Ambassador's Wife: An Inquiry-Based Murder Mystery
B. Using Art-Based Chemistry Activities To Improve Students’Conceptual Understanding in Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education
B. How Does Inquiry-Based Instruction Affect Teaching Majors' Views about Teaching and Learning Science? Journal of Chemical Education
B. Hands-on Science Camp for K-12 Students in Taiwan Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities
B. Teaching Chemistry Using Student-Created Videos and Photo Blogs Accessed with Smartphones and Two-Dimensional Barcodes, Journal of Chemical Education
B. CSI−Chocolate Science Investigation and the Case of the Recipe RipOff: Using an Extended Problem-Based Scenario To ... . Journal of Chemical Education
====== B2. 介於報導性與學術性的文章(中文)======
B. 我國百年國中科學課程發展回顧與展望。科學教育月刊,第347期
B. 以認知師徒制為基礎之太陽能教學模組設計與實踐。科學教育月刊,第349期
B. 高中化學成就測驗的試題類型與考生答題結果分析之研究。科學教育月刊,第349期
====== C1. 學術性的文章(非報導性的文章)(英文)======
C. Qualitative Assessment of Inquiry-Based Teaching Methods, Journal of Chemical Education
C. Teacher Beliefs about Implementing Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiments for Secondary School Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education
C. Using Student-Developed, Inquiry-Based Experiments To Investigate the Contributions of Ca and Mg to Water Hardness. Journal of Chemical Education
C. Sex Differences in the Mental Rotation of Chemistry Representations. Journal of Chemical Education
C. Using lecture demonstrations to promote the refinement of concepts. Chemistry Education Research and Practice
C. Beyond problem-based learning: using dynamic PBL in chemistry, Chemistry Education Research and Practice
C. Student test performances on behavior of gas particles and mismatch of teacher predictions. Chemistry Education Research and Practice
C. A National Survey of Students' Conceptions of Chemistry in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education
====== C2. 學術性的文章(非報導性的文章)(中文)======
C. 故事探究教材融入自然與生活科技課對學生參與表現與成就之影響,科學教育學刊
C. 思考導向的探究式學習對國二學生科學探究能力的影響。科學教育學刊
C. 探究教學的專業成長歷程─以十位國中科學教師的觀點為例。科學教育學刊
C. 設計體驗式探究鷹架教學應用於非制式科學教育─不同探究能力學童的學習比較,科學教育學刊
C. 應用多人線上遊戲對生活化學學習成效影響之研究,臺中教育大學學報:數理科技類
A. Distance Learning in Green, & Using Green Chemistry in Teaching A Brazilian Case Study
A. 創意微型實驗及其相關文章兩篇,臺灣化學教育
A. 寓教於樂的〔化學桌遊〕及相關資料,臺灣化學教育
A. 臺灣的節慶與化學(此主題有六篇文章,擇三篇),臺灣化學教育
A. 改進國中理化課程教學--趣味科學實驗,科學教育月刊
B. 行動學習模式在化學課程之應用研究,臺灣化學教育
B. 日本理科教育現狀與課題—為了喜歡理科的孩子(日文)
B. Effective Use of Demonstration Assessments in the Classroom Relative to Laboratory Topics, Journal of Chemical Education
C. 引導式Toulmin論證模式對國小學童在科學讀寫表現上的影響,第25屆科學教育學術研討會(2009) 論文彙編
C. 以探究式教學提升學生探究能力與學習動機之行動研究
C. 以探究教學提升國中學生科學探究能力
C. Qualitative Assessment of Inquiry-Based Teaching Methods, Journal of Chemical Education
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