Grade:60 Fraction
Week 2 Houglum1992
Week 2 Sports injury mechanisms and healing process
Week 3 Bleakley
Week 3 Dubois
Week 3 Principles and goals of rehabilitation
Week 5 Neuromuscular control, ROM, and flexibility
Week 5 Bandy
Week 5 Hewett
Week 5 Lempke
Week 6 Strength and balance
Week 6 Lim
Week 6 Linens
Week 6 Willems
Week 7 Cardiorespiratory fitness & plyometric
Week 7 Chelly
Week 7 Milanovic
Week 8 Core stabilization & CKC
Week 8 Bliven
Week 8 Willardson
Week 9 Aquatic rehabilitation
Week 9 Miller
Week 9 Thein
Week 10 Functional progression and functional testing
Week 12課程影片1
Week 12 課程影片_2
Week 12 Psychological consideration and return to play
Week 12 Creighton 2010
Week 12 Matheson 2011
Week 13 課程影片_1
Week 13 課程影片_2
Week 13_Alghadir 2020
Week 13_Cain 2020
Week 13_Ho 2008
Week 13_Li 2004
Week 13_Ericsson 2013
Week 13_Grindem 2015
Week 13_Kaeding 2015
Week 13_Wang 2003
Week 14 課程影片
Week 14_Chuang 2008
Week 14_Gaballah 2017
Week 14_Jaggi 2010
Week 14_Watson 2017
Week 14_Chen 2015
- Course Introduction
- Course Plan
- 評論