介紹人工智慧的相關主題與 python 程式設計  

PART  I  Python 程式設計簡介 (自編講義或請參考Book1, Book4 或其他教科書)
PART II 人工智慧 (based on Book2, Book5, Book7)
Chapter 1  緒論  Introduction
Chapter 2  智慧型代理人 Agent
Chapter 3  用搜尋法對問題求解 Searching (DFS, BFS, IDS) 
Chapter 4  進階搜尋 Informed Searching (genetic algorithm, Simulated annealing Algorithm)
Chapter 18  從實例中學習
18-1 Form of Learning
18-2 Supervised learning
18-3 Learning Decision Tree
18-6 Regression
18-7 Neural Network
18-8 Nonparametric Models
18-9 Support Vector Machine
18-11 Handwritten Digit Recognition 
PART III Deep Learning (based on Book3, Book6)
1.	What is Deep Learning
2.	The mathematical blocks of Neural Networks
3.	Getting Started with Neural Networks
4.	Fundamentals of Machine Learning

 Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
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    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • undefined
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices