Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 0225 Sarah Dubinsky - Legal Trends Impacting Global Employers in 2021
  • 0225 Sarah Dubinsky - Legal Trends Impacting Global Employers in 2021
  • 0304 玉山論壇:亞洲創新與進步對話
  • 0311 How to gain control of your free time transcript
  • 0311 How to gain control of your free time
  • 0318 Xi Jinping DAVOS AGENDA 2021 中文
  • 0318 Xi Jinping DAVOS AGENDA 2021 英文
  • 0325 Health, environment and climate change - A global health approach
  • 0401 空氣汙染
  • 0401 離岸風電
  • 0513 環境荷爾蒙干擾內分泌系統
  • 0520 拖延症 (transcript)
  • 0603 Biden - America is back (glossary)
  • 0603 Biden - America is back (transcript)
Recommended Courses
  • 1062-Consecutive Interpreting (II)-47012
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  • 1042-Skills on Interpretation from Chinese into English (II)-47021
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  • 1031-Studies in ST,CI,and SI Theory and Practice-41083
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  • 1012-Consecutive Interpreting (II)-47004
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  • 991-Studies in Writing and Editing for Media and International Relations Texts-41067
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices