成 绩:60 分
0225 Amit Arwindekar - Covid 19 Vaccine and Return to Work
0304 蔡英文總統敞廳發表談話 (中)
0304 蔡英文總統敞廳發表談話 (英)
0311Unlocking Social Entrepreneurship for the Recovery Glossary
0311 Unlocking Social Entrepreneurship for the Recovery transcript
0318 全英文師資培育政策之現在與未來
0325 International Conference on Recent Advances in Precision Medicine and Population
0325 International Conference on Recent Advances in Precision Medicine
0401 空氣汙染
0401 離岸風電
0415 環喜瑪拉雅國際合作論壇 (音檔)
0415 環喜瑪拉雅國際合作論壇 (中)
0415 環喜瑪拉雅國際合作論壇 (英)
0506 食品添加物與兒童健康
0506 食品添加物與兒童健康
0513 YouTube 內容趨勢 (Glossary)
0513 YouTube 內容趨勢
0520 dementia carer (speaker ppt)
0520 dementia carer (transcript)
0520 dementia carer
0520 dementia carer (glossary)
0603 A conversation with Taiwan Representative Bi-Khim Hsaio (glossary)
0603 A conversation with Taiwan Representative Bi-Khim Hsaio (transcript)
0617 CNBC Debate Shaping the Great Reset in Asia (glossary)
0617 CNBC Debate Shaping the Great Reset in Asia (transcript)
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