Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • Chap-4
  • Chap-5
  • Chap-6
  • Chap-7
  • Chap-1-0308
  • Chap 2-X-ray-0331
  • Chap 3-Direction of Diffraction-0512
Recommended Courses
  • 1131-Thermal Physics-23042
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1102-Introduction to Green Technology and Application-23025
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1091-Special Topics in Electro-Optical Materials I-23085
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1071-Special Topics in Thermoelectric(1)-23084
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1002-Special topics on thermoelectric(1)-23060
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices