成  績 :60 分
  • Negotiation_
  • An integrative formal model of motivation and decision making_
  • Complexity leadership_
  • Destructive leadership_
  • Individual Differences and Their Measurement A Review of 100 Years of Research_
  • Initiating and Utilizing Shared Leadership in Teams_
  • Leadership in Applied Psychology
  • Mastery goal orientation and cognitive ability effects on performance in learner-guided training_
  • Motivation in organizational behavior History, advances and prospects_
  • Motivation profiles at work A self determination theory approach
  • Negotiation_
  • Paradigm lost Reinvigorating the study of organizational culture 磼
  • Revisiting the learning organization How to create it_
  • Workplace bullying_
  • An integrative formal model of motivation and decision making_
  • Complexity leadership_
  • Destructive leadership_
  • Exposing information sharing as strategic behavior power as responsibility and Trust buttons_
  • Initiating and Utilizing Shared Leadership in Teams_
  • Leadership in Applied Psychology Three Waves of Theory and Research_
  • Looking on the Bright Side The Positive Role of organizational politics_
  • Mastery goal orientation and cognitive ability effects on performance in learner-guided training_
  • Motivation in organizational behavior History, advances and prospects_
  • Motivation profiles at work A self determination theory approach
  • Revisiting the learning organization How to create it_
  • Sources of self-efficacy and outcome expectations for career exploration and decision-making_
  • Editorial-Board_2020_Organizational-Behavior-and-Human-Decision-Processes
  • RESEARCH ARTICLEEmotion suppression and perceptions of interpersonalcitizenship behavior Faking in good faith or bad faith
  • Spillover bias in diversity judgment_
  • The dynamic componential model of creativity and innovation in organizations Making progress, making meaning_
  • Too Tired to Inspire or Be Inspired Sleep Deprivation and charasmatic leadership_
  • Take it or leave it
  • Chapter 10領導
  • Syallabus 2021_2 OB
  • A Motivational Lens Model of Person Situation Interactions in
  • A cross‐level model of shared leadership, meaning, and individual creativity
  • A dynamic account of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship
  • A meta‐analysis of sleep and work performance An examination of moderators and mediators
  • Changes in perceptions of ethical leadership Effects on associative and dissociative outcomes
  • Emotion suppression and perceptions of interpersonal citizenship behavior Faking in good faith or bad faith
  • Founder need to belong, tertius iungens orientation and new venture performance
  • Misfit matters A re-examination of interest fit and job satisfaction
  • Political skill camouflages Machiavellianism Career role performance and organizational misbehavior at short and long tenure
  • Procedural justice enactment as an instrument of position protection The three‐way interaction between leaders' power position stability, followers' warmth, and followers' competence
  • Syallabus 2021_2 OB (1)
  • Team job‐related anxiety and creativity Investigating team‐level and cross‐level moderated curvilinear relationships
  • When the going gets tough Employee reactions to large‐scale organizational change and the role of employee Machiavellianism
  • es manager servant leadership lead to follower serving behaviors It depends on follower self-interest
  • rocedural justice enactment as an instrument of position protection The three‐way interaction between leaders' power position stability, followers' warmth, and followers' competence
  • Emotion suppression and perceptions of interpersonal citizenship behavior Faking in good faith or bad faith
  • Does manager servant leadership lead to follower serving behaviors It depends on follower self-interest
  • Shared leadership development and teamperformance A new look at the dynamicsof shared leadership
  • Cultivating-a-conflict-positive-workplace--How-_2020_Organizational-Behavior
  • Does-being-mindful-make-people-more-creative-at-wo_2020_Organizational-Behav
  • Editorial-Board_2020_Organizational-Behavior-and-Human-Decision-Processes
  • Finding-calm-in-the-storm--A-daily-investigation-of-how_2020_Organizational-
  • Helping-People-by-Being-in-the-Present--Min_2020_Organizational-Behavior-and
  • Mind-your-own-break--The-interactive-effect-of-work_2020_Organizational-Beha
  • Mindfulness-arrives-at-work--Deepening-our-u_2020_Organizational-Behavior-an
  • Wherever-you-go--there-you-become--How-mind_2020_Organizational-Behavior-and
  • Syallabus 2021_2 OB (1) (3)
  • Why disagreeableness (in Married Men) leads to earning more A theory and test of social exchange at home
  • 1111-心理測驗專題研究-13025
  • 1062-兒童思考專題研究-13009
  • 1042-心理學-78023
  • 1032-心理學-78017
  • 1021-高等教育統計學-14003
