Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • DA2-01-眼見不為憑.ecm.mp4
  • DA2-02-corr
  • DA2-03 回顧
  • undefined
  • brain and weight 28 animals
  • rev of regr1-腦容量與體重
  • DA2-03 dummy variable.ecm.mp4
  • DA2-03 dummy variable-1
  • DA2-03 dummy variable-2
  • DA2-big data-good,bad and ugly
  • DA2-00 由「太陽從西邊升起」談p值
  • DA2-04-SIRSMR
  • undefined
  • @stat10-chisquare test
  • HW3-武肺死亡率計算及比較
  • Standardization-SMR
  • DA2-05-Confounding and CMH stratify
  • HW4 0320
  • DA2-08-propensity score.ecm.mp4
  • DA2-06-moderator and mediator
  • DA2-07 instrumental variable and MR
  • DA2-08-propensity score
  • DA2-09-se-sp-ROC
  • 利用SAS計算疾病發生率20200401
  • HW0401:健保資料計算疾病發生率
  • HW0401-titanic
  • HW0401-titanic
  • MH-練習
  • 評估不同方法的performance
  • DA2-10-matching
  • Se-Sp-FDR
  • 108-2 BDA-supervised vs unsupervised
  • 108-2BDA-discriminant
  • HW5
  • Iris Flower Dataset
  • undefined
  • Lec07-poisson1
  • DA2-19 association rule
  • DA2-05 interaction -20210310
  • 疾病發生率及盛行率20210324 (1)
  • DA2-10-matching
  • DA2-11-logistic regression
  • DA2-12-Test of significance and goodness-of-fit
  • 交互作用(statistical interaction)
  • 期末報告:血栓溶解劑研究
  • Kidney study carotid duplex-81
  • 20190419 NIHSS介紹及應用
  • Favourable renal outcomes after intravenous thrombolytic therapy
  • guideline_z03
  • 期末報告 stroke patients kidney study carotid duplex.ecm.mp4
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    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • undefined
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1091-Topics in Spatial Statistics I-22034
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1062-Mathematics in Real Life-00267
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1031-Mathematics in Real Life-00288
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices