Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • undefined
  • krajewski_om12_tb_01_只有選擇題
  • SuppA_Decision_Making_FY_20200922
  • krajewski_om12_tb_SuppA_只有選擇題
  • Ch 02_Process Strategy_Part I+II_20200929
  • krajewski_om12_tb_02(只有選擇題)
  • Ch 04_Planning Capacity_FY20201013
  • krajewski_om12_tb_04
  • Ch 05_Managing process constraint_20201021 (no product mix)
  • krajewski_om12_tb_05 (no product mix)
  • Ch 06_Designing Lean Systems 20201027(no VSM)
  • Ch 08_Forecasting_20201117
  • Ch 9_Inventory_Control_System20201130
  • Ch 10_Planning and Scheduling_20191204
  • krajewski_om12_tb_06 (不含value stream) 純選擇題庫
  • 生產證照考題統整 (1091) 105-109年考古題
  • 10701_生產與作業管理技術師考試_含詳解
  • 10706_生產與作業管理技術師考試_含詳解
  • 10901_生產與作業管理技術師考試_含詳解
  • Ch 11_MPR ERP 20201215-2
  • SuppJ_Scheduling_FY_20201229-2
  • Ch 14_Designing Effective Supply Chains (精簡) 20191128
  • undefined
  • Ch 14_Designing Effective Supply Chains (精簡) 20210106
Recommended Courses
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    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1081-Seminar on Management Topics (I)-67052
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1051-Issues on Business Administration-63034
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1042-Issues on Business Education-63031
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1021-Marketing Theory-63036
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices