Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 1091任用管理專題研究 課程大綱
  • W02 Staffing Models and Strategy
  • W02 Staffing Models and Strategy
  • W03 Acikgoz (2019)
  • W04 Ployhart et al. (2017)
  • W04 Ployhart et al. (2017) Appendix
  • (附件1)科技部人文司專題研究計畫審查須知及管理一學門評分參考原則1080111
  • Veetkazhi et al. (in press) Unethical employee behaviour_ a review and typology
  • Hedricks et al. (19) Factors affecting compliance with reference check requests
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  • 1091-Seminar on Human Resource Management Special Topics-32001
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1091-Research Methods-32023
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1072-Multivariate Analysis-32019
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  • 1071-Research Methods-32026
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices