Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 1082任用管理 課程大綱
  • 科技部人文司專題研究計畫審查須知及管理一學門評分參考原則1090106[2457]
  • Chapman et al. (05 ) Applicant Attraction to Organizations and Job Choice; A Meta-Analytic Review of the Correlates of Recruiting Outcomes
  • Roulin & Levashina (19) LinkedIn as a new selection method_ Psychometric properties and assessment approach
  • Ryan et al. (17) Culture and Testing Practices- Is the World Flat
  • 甄選面談:類型與建議-書面版
  • Chap001_9e
  • Chap002_9e
  • Chap003_9e
  • Chap004_9e
  • Chap005_9e
  • Chap006_9e
  • Chap007_9e
  • Chap008_9e
  • Chap009_9e
  • Chap010_9e
  • Chap011_9e
  • Chap012_9e
  • Chap013_9e
  • Chap014_9e
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    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices