Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 財會實證研究第一週ppt
  • 財會實證研究第一週ppt
  • Skype 同步分享桌面 使用教學
  • Skype 同步分享桌面 使用教學
  • 0309國內會計研究
  • 0309管會回顧
  • 0309上課說明
  • 0309上課說明
  • 0309國內會計研究
  • 0309管會回顧
  • zoom_0
  • SAS 統計分析及軟體應用-Master-basic
  • SAS 統計分析及軟體應用-Master-basic
  • 0330 ZOOM
  • 0330 ZOOM
  • Paper list
  • Paper list
  • WebEX_遠距演練
  • WebEX_遠距演練
  • Paper 3 CSR-Environmental performance-SCI-2018 OK
  • Paper 4 FA-TMT and FRQ-TAR-2019 OK
  • Paper 5 MA-CEO organization idification-AOS-2019
  • Paper 1 TAX-Customer-supplier-JFE-2017-OK
  • Paper 2 Customer-supplier-TAR-2018-OK
  • Paper 1 TAX-Customer-supplier-JFE-2017-OK
  • Paper 2 Customer-supplier-TAR-2018-OK
  • Paper 3 CSR-Environmental performance-SCI-2018 OK
  • Paper 4 FA-TMT and FRQ-TAR-2019 OK
  • Paper 5 MA-CEO organization idification-AOS-2019
  • Paper 1 TAX-Customer-supplier-JFE-2017-OK
  • Paper 2 Customer-supplier-TAR-2018-OK
  • Paper 3 CSR-Environmental performance-SCI-2018 OK
  • Paper 4 FA-TMT and FRQ-TAR-2019 OK
  • Paper 5 MA-CEO organization idification-AOS-2019
  • 5月4日-Investment performance on intangible assets (彰師大會研所)-converted
Recommended Courses
  • 1081-Advanced Accounting I-62050
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1062-Advanced Accounting Practice II-62042
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1032-Securities Market Operations and Regulations-62028
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1031-Corporate Governance-62026
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1012-Advanced Accounting Practice II-62046
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices