Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • QP2_2019Spring_0
  • Lecture 20 Angular Momentum(1)
  • Lecture 20 Angular Momentum(1)_Revised Pages
  • Lecture 21 Angular Momentum(2)
  • Lecture 22 Schrodinger Eq in 3D(1)
  • Lecture 23 Schrodinger Eq in 3D(2)
  • Lecture 24 Central Force Problems
  • Lecture 25 Selection Rules
  • Lecture 26 Matrix Representation
  • Lecture 27 Operations of Matrix
  • QP2_HW_1_SOL
  • QP2_HW_2_SOL
  • QP2_HW_3_SOL
  • 106_QP2_Midterm_Exam_Sol
  • 106_QP2_Final_Exam_Sol
  • QP_2019S_MidExam_Note
  • QP_2019S_MidExam_Sol
  • Lecture 28 Spin_Matrix
  • Lecture 29 Magnetic Interaction
  • Lecture 30 Magnetic Interaction_2
  • Lecture 31 Complex Atoms_1
  • Lecture 32 Complex Atoms_2
  • QP2_HW_4_SOL
  • QP2_HW_5_SOL
  • QP2_HW_6_SOL
  • QP_2019_Spring_Final_Exam_Note
  • QP_2019S_FinalExam_SOL
Recommended Courses
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    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1052-Mathematical Methods for Physicists II-23013
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1042-General Physics II-52003
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1021-Mathematical Methods for Physicists III-23030
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1001-Introduction to Solid State Physics I-23059
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices