Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 人格課綱
  • 人格課綱
  • 人格運動心理學第一堂課
  • 運動與人格-碩一
  • 運動心理學研究方法
  • 1019Bidirectional Associations Between Personality and Physical activity in adulthood
  • 1019Personality and Actigraphy-Measured Physical Activity in Older Adults
  • 1026Acute Aerobic Exercise Hastens Emotional Recovery
  • 1102Longitudinal relations of mental health and motivation among elite student-athletes across a condensed season Plausible influence of academic and athletic schedul
  • 1109Attitudes Toward Sport Psychology Consulting in Athletes understanting the role of culture and personality
  • 1123The Psychodynamics of “Choking” Under Performance Pressure
  • 1130Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes A person-centered approach
  • 1214Mental toughness and behavioural perseverance A conceptual replication and extension
  • 1221Self-Evaluation of Skills and Performance Level in Youth Elite soccer
  • 0111Is dispositional optimism or dispositional pessimism predictive of ideal cardiovascular health
  • 1116Physical fitness and psychological health in overweight
  • 1228Exploring narratives of physical activity and disability over time a novel integrated qulitative methods apporach
  • 1116Physical fitness and psychological health in overweight
  • 0104Parental Conditional Regard and the Development of Perfectionism in adolescent athlete
  • undefined
Recommended Courses
  • 1062-Physical Education II-00108
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  • 1061-Sports Psychology-71018
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  • 1052-Jazz Dance II-00196
    Period:Not set
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  • 1021-Special Topics in Sports and Health-77010
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  • 1021-Ballroom Dance-00158
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