Grade:60 Fraction
Driving magnetization perpendicular by antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic exchange coupling
Enhanced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Fe_Mn bilayers by incorporating ultrathin ferromagnetic underlayer through magnetic proximity effect
How Antiferromagnetism Drives the Magnetization of a Ferromagnetic Thin Film to Align Out of Plane
Probing magnetoelastic effects of ultrathin antiferromagnets via magnetic domain imaging in ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic bilayers
BK12586-Crucial role of interlayer distance for antiferromagnet-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Antiferromagnet-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in FM-AFM-FM trilayers
Effects of the antiferromagnetic spin structure on antiferromagnetically inudced perpendicular magentic anisotropy
Hydrogenation-induced strengthening of exchange bias coupling in AFM Pd-rich alloy films (1)
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