Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 01-a_Exploring-the-Use-of-Lesson-Study-to-Develop-Elementary-Preservice-Teachers-Pedagogical-Content-Knowledge-for-Teaching-Nature-of-Science
  • 01-b_Development-of-Lesson-Study-Approach-in-Three-Rural-Elementary-Schools-of-Taiwan
  • 03-b_Abd-El-Khalick-HPS-Influence-of-History-of-Science-Courses-on-Students-Views-of-NoS
  • 03-a_art%3A10
  • 04-a_Nieswandt_et_al-2009-Journal_of_Research_in_Science_Teaching
  • 04-b_Lawson_et_al-2000-Journal_of_Research_in_Science_Teaching
  • 05-a_1
  • 05-b_2
  • 06-a_Do-problematic-and-non-problematic-video-game-players-differ-in-extraversion-trait-empathy-social-capital-and-prosocial-tendencies
  • 06-b_Empathic-Features-and-Absorption-in-Fantasy
  • 07-a_Note-Taking With Computers
  • 07-b_amerjpsyc
  • 08-a_Exploring Beliefs About Bottled Water and Intentions to Reduce Consumption_The Dual-Effect of Social Norm Activation and Persuasive Information
  • 08-b_Packaging and Proenvironmental Consumption Behavior_Investigating Purchase and Disposal Decisions for Beverages
  • 12-a_Changes in Students? Understandi ng of Evolution Resultingpdf
  • 12-b_Patterns of Conceptual Change in Evolution
  • 11-a_Do-Different-Levels-of-Inquiry-Lead-to-Different-Learning-Outcomes-A-comparison-between-guided-and-structured-inquiry
  • 11-b_The-Effect-of-Guided-Inquiry-Instruction-on-6th-Grade-Turkish-Students-Achievement-Science-Process-Skills-and-Attitudes-Toward-Science
  • 13-a_The-influence-of-virtual-presences
  • 13-b_Is-game-based-learning-better-in-flow-experience-and-various-types-of
  • 14-a_What Predicts Skill in Lecture Note Taking
  • 14-b_5989-22332-1-PB
  • 21-a_envirmental values bielief and action
  • 21-b_Virtual Nature Experiences as Emotional Benefits in Green Product Consumption_The Moderating Role of Environmental Attitudes
  • 18-a_3
  • 18-b_4
  • 20-a_Reflection-of-Pre-service-Teachers-in-a-Tabletop-Exercise-of-Lesson-Study-during-their-Practicum
  • 20-b_The-practicum-in-pre-service-teachers-education-in-Greece
  • 24-a_0525106-STEM-Integration
  • 24-b_0525106-STEM-Inquiry-Based-Science-Unit
  • 25-a_Elementary Teachers Understanding of Students Science Misconceptions Implications for Practice and Teacher Education
  • 25-b_Constraints on Conceptual Change How Elementary Teachers Attitudes and Understanding of Conceptual Change Relate to Changes in Students Conceptions
  • 16-a_art%3A10
  • 16-b_lll
  • 26-a_+Challenging games help students learn An empirical study on engagement flow and immersion in game-based learning
  • 26-b_-Cheng_et_al-2017-British_Journal_of_Educational_Technology
  • 09-a_Breast cancer knowledge and attitudes toward mammography as predictors o
  • 09-b_Breast Cancer Knowledge, Attitude and Screening Behaviors Among Hispanic
  • 23-a_art%3A10
  • 23-b_1-s2
  • 17-a_Teaching Tree Thinking to College Students
  • 17-b_The Effect of Synapomorphies on Cladogram Compresion
  • 10-a_Youth science identity, science learning, and gaming experiences
  • 10-b_Using gameplay data to examine learning behavior patterns in a serious game
  • 19-a_Interaction between gaming and multistage guiding strategies
  • 19-b_Influences of an inquiry-based ubiquitous gaming design
  • 22-a_The Impact of a ScienceTechnologySociety Teaching Approach on Student Learning in Five Domains
  • 22-b_University Students Opinions Concerning Science-Technology-Society Issues
  • 02-a_The 2-MEV Scale in the United States A Measure of Children’s Environmental Attitudes Based on the Theory of Ecological Attitude
  • 02-b_Ecological Worldview among Urban
  • 15-a_The use (and abuse) of the new environmental paradigm scale over the last 30
  • 15-b_Challenges and opportunities for evaluating environmental education programs
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