成  績 :60 分
  • 課程大綱和教學計畫表
  • 有用的化學教育期刊網站
  • 老師的專題討論
  • 學生報告的PPT範例
  • 老師選出的專題討論文章
  • A. 報導性的文章(學術性較低)------
  • A. Young Ambassadors for Chemistry in Taipei, Taiwan, and Mauritius. Chemistry International
  • A. New Exhibit Kicks Off the U.S. Celebration of IYC 2011. Chemistry International
  • A. Artist Studio Tour: Chemistry on a Country Road. ChemMatters
  • A. hollywood special effects how did they do that? ChemMatters
  • A. Student-generated assessment. Education in Chemistry
  • A. Fire and light in the sky. Education in Chemistry
  • A. National Chemistry Week (Part I). Journal of Chemical Education
  • A. National Chemistry Week (Part II). Journal of Chemical Education
  • A. 化學驚奇秀,科學研習月刊
  • A. Chemical Demonstration Show. The Chemical Educator
  • A. Greening the Blue Bottle. Journal of Chemical Education
  • B. 介於報導性與學術性的文章(中文)------
  • B. 科學魔術之發展與推廣。科學教育月刊
  • B. 以認知師徒制為基礎之太陽能教學模組設計與實踐。科學教育月刊
  • B. 高中化學成就測驗的試題類型與考生答題結果分析之研究。科學教育月刊
  • B. 我國百年國中科學課程發展回顧與展望。科學教育月刊
  • C. 介於報導性與學術性的文章(英文)------
  • C. Using Art-Based Chemistry Activities To Improve Students’Conceptual Understanding in Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education
  • C. How Does Inquiry-Based Instruction Affect Teaching Majors' Views about Teaching and Learning Science? Journal of Chemical Education
  • D. 學術性的文章(非報導性的文章)------
  • D. Qualitative Assessment of Inquiry-Based Teaching Methods. Journal of Chemical Education
  • D. A National Survey of Students' Conceptions of Chemistry in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education
  • D. Using lecture demonstrations to promote the refinement of concepts. Chemistry Education Reasearch and Practice
  • D. Teacher Beliefs about Implementing Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiments for Secondary School Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education
  • D. Using Student-Developed, Inquiry-Based Experiments To Investigate the Contributions of Ca and Mg to Water Hardness. Journal of Chemical Education
  • D. Student test performances on behavior of gas particles and mismatch of teacher predictions. Chemistry Education Research and Practice
  • D. 探究教學的專業成長歷程──以十位國中科學教師的觀點為例。科學教育學刊
  • D. 思考導向的探究式學習對國二學生科學探究能力的影響。科學教育學刊
  • D. Sex Differences in the Mental Rotation of Chemistry Representations. Journal of Chemical Education
  • 創意微型實驗及其相關文章兩篇,臺灣化學教育
  • 行動科技教學擴增實境教學,臺灣化學教育
  • 探索式化學實驗課程之實施 & 探索式化學實驗課程之開發
  • 寓教於樂的〔化學桌遊〕及相關資料,臺灣化學教育
  • 臺灣的節慶與化學,臺灣化學教育
  • Distance Learning in Green, & Using Green Chemistry in Teaching A Brazilian Case Study
  • 1071-普通化學(一)-25021
  • 1071-專題討論化教組(一)-25037
  • 1052-普通化學(二)-25001
  • 1042-普通化學實驗(二)-25002
  • 1041-化學與生活應用-00276
