Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • Achievement Goal Theory at the Crossroads Old Controversies, Current Challenges, and New Directions
  • Educational Psychology in the TwentyFirst century.pdf
  • Multicultural experience enhances creativity
  • Neural and cognitive plasticity From maps to minds
  • The Role of Educational Psychology in Teacher Education Three Challenges for Educational Psychologists
  • Interactions of Metacognition With Motivation and Affect in Self-Regulated Learning The MASRL Model
  • Revisiting the Conceptualization, Measurement, and Generation of Interest
  • Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Bullying in School Settings
  • Aerobic fitness and cognitive development Event-related brain potential and task performance indices of executive control in preadolescent children
  • syllabus
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
  • undefined
Recommended Courses
  • 1094-Seminar on Educational Psychology-13005
    Period:Not set
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  • 1071-Seminar on Adolescent Psychology-13003
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  • 1041-Travel Study-13034
    Period:Not set
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  • 1022-Multivariate Statistical Analysis-13003
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 992-Special Topics on Learning Theory-13023
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices