Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • Chapter 1 A Brief History of Atrifiical Intelligence & Chapter 2 Uses and Limitations
  • Chapter 4 Search Methodologies (Uninformed Search)
  • Chapter 5 Search Methodologies (Informed Search)
  • Chapter 6 Game Playing (Adversarial Search)
  • Chapter 7 Genetic Algorithm
  • Chapter 12 Fuzzy Theory Part 1 緒論
  • Chapter 12 Fuzzy Theory Part 2 模糊集合
  • Chapter 12 Fuzzy Theory Part 3 模糊關係
  • Chapter 12 Fuzzy Theory Part 4 模糊邏輯與模糊推論
  • Chapter 12 Fuzzy Theory Part 5 模糊系統
  • Chapter 12 Fuzzy Theory Part 6 實例探討
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices