成 绩:60 分
組合學 1102 課程介紹
Chapter 1 - Chapter 4 Lecture notes
Chapter 1 (added notes), 8pp
Chapter 1 (short note), 1p
Chapter 4, The Twelvefold Way (note)
Exercise 1
Exercise 2, PIE, (book)
Exercises 2,3 PIE and GF (extra)
Exercise 3, Recurrences, GF, (book)
Exercise 4, Catalan, Stirling, (book)
Chapter 1, v2021-09
Chapter 2, PIE, v2021-10
Chapter 3, Recurrences, GF, v2021-11
Chapter 4, Special numbers
220523 組合學 遠距教學 位置
220620 組合學 第3次測驗 作答說明
220620 組合學第3次測驗 試題
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