Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • First week of AIoT-1
  • Installation of Ubuntu system-1
  • Virtual Memory setting-1
  • doc20200927jupyter
  • doc20210227jupyter
  • Python
  • image processing-1
  • image processing-2
  • program instructions-1
  • d20210305-bgrtorgb-1
  • gradient
  • j
  • d20210305-bgrtorgb-1
  • d20210305-image-threshhold-2
  • d20210305-dilatioerosion
  • gradient
  • j
  • cloud
  • d20210305-laplacian-2
  • 8890lfa
  • d20210305-laplacian-2
  • d20210305-canny-1
  • sudoku
  • d20210305-Python-1
  • doc20210305-jupyter-1
  • d20210305-Python-1
  • d20210309numpy
  • d20210309numpy
  • d20210309numpy
  • d20210309-python-add-substract-multiply-divide
  • d20210309-python-if-then-else
  • d20210309-python-input
  • d20210309-python-loop
  • d20210309-python-output
  • d20210312-run-jupyter-pc
  • d20210312-run-jupyter-pc
  • j
  • j
  • d20210319-numpy-cv2-matplotlib
  • d20210319-pytesseract-imutils
  • d20210319-j
  • d20210319-numpy-cv2-matplotlib
  • d20210319-pytesseract-imutils
  • d20210319-pytesseract-imutils
  • example_02
  • d20210319-numpy
  • d20210319-pip3
  • d20210319-contour-grab-sort-mask-crop-ubuntu
  • d20210319-contour-ubuntu
  • fig
  • d20210319-python-if-then-else
  • d20210319-internet parameters setting
  • d20210319-contour-grab-sort-mask-crop-ubuntu
  • d20210319-contour-ubuntu
  • d20210319-internet parameters setting
  • d20210319-j
  • d20210319-numpy-cv2-matplotlib
  • d20210319-numpy
  • d20210319-pip3
  • d20210319-pytesseract-imutils
  • d20210319-pytesseract-imutils
  • d20210319-python-if-then-else
  • d20210409-carplate8890lf-1-ubuntu
  • d20210409-drawrectangle (1)
  • d20210409-image-rectangle-ubuntu
  • fwmoI
  • 8890lf1213a
  • 8890lf1213a
  • d20210409-webcam-1
  • d20210409-webcam-2
  • d20210409-webcam-3
  • d20210409-webcam-4
  • d20210409-webcam-5
  • d20210409-webcam
  • d20210416-image-threshhold-2
  • d20210416-drawrectangle
  • d20210416-carplate8890lf-1-ubuntu
  • d20210416-drawrectangle
  • d20210416-image-threshhold-2
  • d20210429-webcam-1
  • d20210429-webcam-2
  • d20210429-webcam-3
  • d20210429-webcam
  • d20210429-webcam-5
  • d20210429-webcam
  • d20210507-tensorflow2
  • d20210507-numpy-tensorflow2
  • d20210507-tensorflow2
  • cudart64_100
  • d20210507-tensorflow2
Recommended Courses
  • 1081-Specialized Topics of Mechatronics II-51034
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1071-Introduction to Computer Science-51005
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1032-Mechatronics Project I-51038
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1031-Introduction to Computer Science-51006
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1011-Icloud Technology-51055
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices