成 绩:60 分
0225 Sarah Dubinsky - Legal Trends Impacting Global Employers in 2021
0225 Sarah Dubinsky - Legal Trends Impacting Global Employers in 2021
0304 玉山論壇:亞洲創新與進步對話
0311 How to gain control of your free time transcript
0311 How to gain control of your free time
0318 Xi Jinping DAVOS AGENDA 2021 中文
0318 Xi Jinping DAVOS AGENDA 2021 英文
0325 Health, environment and climate change - A global health approach
0401 空氣汙染
0401 離岸風電
0513 環境荷爾蒙干擾內分泌系統
0520 拖延症 (transcript)
0603 Biden - America is back (glossary)
0603 Biden - America is back (transcript)
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