Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 0917 How women will lead us to freedom, justice and peace
  • 0917 How women will lead us to freedom, justice and peace
  • 0924 陳昇瑋 AI
  • 0924 陳昇瑋 AI
  • 1008 外籍漁工
  • 1008 找回外籍漁工的人權與尊嚴
  • 1015 This is the Hogeweyk (逐字稿)
  • 1015 Dementia village (連結)
  • 1022 AIT 循環經濟 (中)
  • 1022 AIT 循環經濟 (英)
  • 1022 AIT 循環經濟 (音檔)
  • 1029 范家銘老師:譯入B語言 從絕望到希望
  • 1105 林培瑞、黎安友專訪 (連結)
  • 1126 印度口音分析、暖身
  • 1126 How women in rural India turned courage into capital (連結)
  • 1126 How women in rural India turned courage into capital
  • 1203 APEC 2020 (連結)
  • 1203 APEC 2020 (英文)
  • 1210 FinTech 加拿大 (中英)
  • 1210 FinTech 加拿大 (連結)
  • 1210 FinTech 加拿大 (簡報)
  • 1217 春池玻璃 (中英)
  • 1217 春池玻璃 (簡報)
  • 1217 春池玻璃 (glossary)
  • 0108 Plastic Pollution and Circular Economy Webinar
Recommended Courses
  • 1101-Simultaneous Interpreting (III)-47022
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  • 1092-Skills on Interpretation from Chinese into English (II)-47019
    Period:Not set
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  • 1041-Simultaneous Interpreting (I)-47012
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  • 1022-Interpretation of International Relations, Laws and Politics II-47022
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  • 991-Studies in Writing and Editing for Media and International Relations Texts-41067
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