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Grade:60 Fraction
  • Achievement Goal Theory at the Crossroads Old Controversies, Current Challenges, and New Directions
  • Educational Psychology in the TwentyFirst century.pdf
  • Multicultural experience enhances creativity
  • Neural and cognitive plasticity From maps to minds
  • The Role of Educational Psychology in Teacher Education Three Challenges for Educational Psychologists
  • Interactions of Metacognition With Motivation and Affect in Self-Regulated Learning The MASRL Model
  • Revisiting the Conceptualization, Measurement, and Generation of Interest
  • Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Bullying in School Settings
  • Aerobic fitness and cognitive development Event-related brain potential and task performance indices of executive control in preadolescent children
  • undefined
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  • Evaluating the Validity of Classroom Observations in the Head Start Designation Renewal System
  • How Instruction Influences Conceptual Development Vygotsky s Theory Revisited
  • Natural Born Arguers Teaching How to Make the Best of Our Reasoning Abilities
  • Supporting Learners' Agentic Engagement With Feedback
  • Argumentation for Learning
  • Conceptualizing Debates in Learning and Educational Research
  • Disciplinary Literacies and Learning to Read for Understanding
  • Examining Productive Failure, Productive Success, Unproductive Failure, and Unproductive Success in Learning
  • Explaining the Significance of Participationist
  • Physical Activity and School Engagement in Youth
  • STEM Motivation Interventions for Adolescents
  • Schools as Knowledge-Building Organizations Thirty Years of Design Research
  • Seven Affordances of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Advances in Bayesian Modeling in Educational Research
  • Advances in Methods for Assessing Longitudinal Change
  • Introduction to the Special Issue Advances in Quantitative Methods to Further Research in Education and Educational Psychology
  • Mixture Modeling Applications in Educational Psychology
  • Multilevel and Single Level Models for Measured and Latent Variables When Data Are Clustered
  • Planned Missing Data Designs in Educational Psychology Research
  • Quasi Experimental Designs for Causal Inference
  • Social Network Methods for the Educational and Psychological Sciences
  • The Merits of Using Longitudinal Mediation
  • Evaluating the Validity of Classroom Observations in the Head Start Designation Renewal System
  • How Instruction Influences Conceptual Development Vygotsky s Theory Revisited
  • Natural Born Arguers Teaching How to Make the Best of Our Reasoning Abilities
  • Supporting Learners' Agentic Engagement With Feedback
  • Coding Classroom Interactions for Collective and
  • Creativity and Academic Achievement
  • Defining and Measuring Engagement and Learning
  • Do Top Dogs Rule in Middle School Evidence on Bullying, Safety, and Belonging
  • Effects of Extracurricular Participation During Middle School on Academic Motivation and Achievement at Grade 9
  • Flipped Classrooms a Review of Key Ideas
  • Improving Content Knowledge and Comprehension for English Language
  • In Peer Matters, Teachers Matter Peer Group Influences
  • Learning to Read With and Without Feedback, In and Out of Context
  • Measuring Cognitive Engagement With SelfReport
  • Operationalizing and Detecting Disengagement
  • Studying Triggers for Interest and Engagement
  • The Challenges of Defining and Measuring Student
  • The Dimensions of Reading Comprehension in Dutch Children
  • Using Reading Times and EyeMovements
  • Emotional intelligence profiles and learning strategies in secondary school students
  • Enhancing peer acceptance of children with learning difficulties classroom goal orientation and effects of a storytelling programme with drama
  • Evaluating the effect of a teacher training programme on the primary teachers attitudes knowledge and teaching strategies regarding special
  • Feeling bad or being bad The trapping effect of effort in academic failure in a Confucian cultural context
  • Four and twenty blackbirds how transcoding ability mediates the relationship between visuospatial working memory and math in a language with inversion (1)
  • Future directions for assessing for learning in second language writing research epilogue to the special issue
  • How socioeconomic status executive functioning and verbal interactions contribute to early academic achievement in Chinese children
  • In the face of fallible AWE feedback how do students respond
  • Instructional improvement and student engagement in post secondary engineering courses the complexity underlying small effect sizes
  • Intervention for executive functions development in early elementary school children effects on learning and behaviour and follow up maintenance (1)
  • Learning strategies and reading literacy among Chinese and Finnish adolescents evidence of suppression
  • Longitudinal associations of student teacher relationships and behavioural and emotional strengths on academic achievement
  • Making learning meaningful facilitating interest development and transfer in at risk college students
  • Mindfulness coping self efficacy and foreign language anxiety a mediation analysis
  • Organisational communication and its relationships with job satisfaction and organisational commitment of primary school staff in Western Australia
  • Parental autonomy support community feeling and student expectations as contributors to later achievement among adolescents
  • Patterns of word reading skill interest and self concept of ability
  • Personal strengths and perceived teacher support as predictors of Singapore students academic risk status (1)
  • Personal strengths and perceived teacher support as predictors of Singapore students academic risk status
  • Self efficacy and literacy a paired difference approach to estimation of over under confidence in mathematics and science related tasks
  • Social support academic adversity and academic buoyancy a person centred analysis and implications for academic outcomes
  • Testing the model observer similarity hypothesis with text based worked examples
  • The effects of resilience in learning variables on mathematical literacy performance a study of learning characteristics of the academic resilient
  • The relation between mastery goals and intrinsic motivation among university students a longitudinal study (1)
  • The secrets of Chinese students academic success academic resilience among students from highly competitive academic environments
  • Trajectories of self perceived math ability utility value and interest across middle school as predictors of high school math performance (1)
  • What influences Chinese undergraduates time management in online groupwork An empirical investigation
  • Which feedback is more effective for pursuing multiple goals of differing importance
  • Will I succeed in middle school A longitudinal analysis of self efficacy in school transitions in relation to goal structures and engagement (1)
  • The secrets of Chinese students academic success academic resilience among students from highly competitive academic environments
  • Which feedback is more effective for pursuing multiple goals of differing importance
  • The relationship between teacher stress and burnout in Hong Kong positive humour and gender as moderators
  • Supporting Learners' Agentic Engagement With Feedback
  • Black and Belonging at School A Case for Interpersonal Instructional and Institutional Opportunity Structures
  • Examining the Academic Motivation of a Diverse Student Population A Consideration of Methodology
  • Executive Function and Reading Comprehension A Meta Analytic Review
  • Identity Education A Conceptual Framework for
  • Inquiry on Teachers
  • Math Anxiety Past Research Promising Interventions and a New Interpretation Framework
  • Perfectionism, Implicit Theories of Intelligence, and Taiwanese Eighth-Grade Students' Academic Engagement
  • Race Ethnicity and Social Adjustment of Adolescents How Not if School Diversity Matters
  • Tests, Test Scores, and Constructs
  • The Role of Epistemic Emotions in Personal Epistemology and Self Regulated Learning
  • The Role of Metamotivational Monitoring in Motivation Regulation
  • The aspects and ability groups in which little fish perform worse than big fish
  • Weaving Cultural Relevance and Achievement Motivation Into Inclusive Classroom Cultures
  • Women in Academic Science Experimental Findings From Hiring Studies
  • Complex Systems Research in Educational Psychology
  • Working Memory and Strategy Use Contribute to
  • 1074 Educational Psychology Syllabus
  • 第一章 PPT
  • 第二章 PPT
  • 第三章PPT
  • The secrets of Chinese students academic success academic resilience among students from highly competitive academic environments
  • Perseverant Grit and Self-Efficacy 2019 JEP
  • Race Ethnicity and Social Adjustment of Adolescents How Not if School Diversity Matters
  • Teacher self-efficacy profiles CEP 2019
  • Teacher student relationships and students’ engagement in high school
  • The five-dimensional curiosity scale PID 2019
  • Exploring teacher popularity associations with teacher characteristics and student outcomes in primary school
  • Dahlstrom-Hakki_et_al-2019-Mind,_Brain,_and_Education
  • Benedek, M
  • Summer Syllabus 2020
  • Aar_et_al-2019-Mind,_Brain,_and_Education What Characterizes
  • Academic-engagement--A-diary-study-on-the-mediat_2020_Learning-and-Individua
  • Alexander-2019-British_Journal_of_Educational_Psychology
  • A-person-centered-approach-to-examining-high-school-s_2020_Contemporary-Educ
  • A-qualitative-examination-of-critical-feedback-proc_2020_Contemporary-Educat
  • Are perceived school climate dimensions predictive of students’ engagement
  • Arens_et_al-2019-British_Journal_of_Educational_Psychology
  • Atteveldt_et_al-2019-Mind,_Brain,_and_Education
  • Baier_et_al-2019-British_Journal_of_Educational_Psychology What makes a good teacher
  • Basic psychological needs and school engagement a focus on justice and agency
  • College-students--regulation-of-cognition--motivation-_2020_Learning-and-Ind
  • Confused--now-what--A-Cognitive-Emotional-Strategy-Train_2020_Contemporary-E
  • Control-value-theory-and-enjoyment-of-science--A-cross_2020_Learning-and-Ind
  • Development-of-academic-language-comprehension-of-Ge_2020_Contemporary-Educa
  • Does-reading-medium-affect-processing-and-integration-o_2020_Contemporary-Ed
  • Editorial-Board_2020_Learning-and-Individual-Differences
  • Engagement-profiles-of-elementary-students-i_2020_Contemporary-Educational-P
  • Epistemic-change-and-diverging-information--How-do-prio_2020_Learning-and-In
  • Fostering-integration-of-informational-texts-and-vi_2020_Contemporary-Educat
  • Integrating-the-concepts-self-efficacy-and-motivation-regu_2020_Learning-and
  • Intellectual-humility-predicts-mastery-behavi_2020_Learning-and-Individual-D
  • Is-academic-diligence-domain-specific-or-domain-general--_2020_Learning-and-
  • Motivating-gifted-and-non-gifted-students-in-regular-_2020_Learning-and-Indi
  • Patterns-of-heterogeneity-in-kindergarten-children-s-ex_2020_Learning-and-In
  • PISA2018
  • School-environments-predict-Hispanic-children-s-physical_2020_Learning-and-I
  • School-social-organization-influences-adolescents--cognit_2020_Learning-and-
  • Student-hand-raising-as-an-indicator-of-behavioral-e_2020_Contemporary-Educa
  • Supporting-self-efficacy-beliefs-and-interest-as-educati_2020_Learning-and-I
  • Symptoms-of-psychological-ill-being-and-school-dropout-i_2020_Learning-and-I
  • Taking-the-relational-structure-of-fractions-seriously--_2020_Contemporary-E
  • TEACHERS 2030
  • The Impact of a Modified Initial Teacher Education on Challenging Trainees' Understanding of NeuromythsMcMahon_et_al-2019-Mind,_Brain,_and_Education
  • The role of neighbourhood greenspace in children's spatial working memory
  • The-dynamics-of-motivation--emotion--and-task-perfo_2020_Learning-and-Indivi
  • The-link-between-auditory-temporal-processing-and-knowl_2020_Learning-and-In
  • The-relationship-between-cognitive-skills-and-reading-com_2020_Learning-and-
  • The-role-of-numerical-and-non-numerical-ordering-abil_2020_Contemporary-Educ
  • The-transmission-of-values-from-math-teachers-to-their-n_2020_Contemporary-E
  • Unravelling-the-interplay-of-sources-of-self-efficacy-in-n_2020_Contemporary
  • What-metaphors-of-learning-can--and-cannot--tell_2020_Learning-and-Individua
  • Syllabus 2020 MOTIVATION
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