Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 嚴肅遊戲之角色扮演與情境模擬對於學習成效之影響:以國小五年級碳足跡課程為例
  • De-freitas-2011-Serious-games-a-new-paradigm-for-ed
  • Using gameplay data to examine learning behavior patterns in a serious game
  • 文章導讀Ⅰ_An Overview of Serious Games
Recommended Courses
  • 1121-Studies in Design Thinking and Problem Solving-13005
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1104-Creativity and Problem Solving-13013
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1091-Seminar on design thinking and problem solving-13024
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1084-Creativity and Problem Solving-13012
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1074-Creativity and Problem Solving-13013
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices