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Grade:60 Fraction
  • 新經濟地理學-緒論20200304
  • CalcFormulas
  • Forslid, Ottaviano - 2003 - An analytically solvable core-periphery model
  • Anderson, Wincoop - 2002 - Gravity with Gravitas A Soiution to the Border Puzzie
  • Society - 2012 - Technology , Geography , and Trade Author ( s ) Jonathan Eaton and Samuel Kortum Reviewed work ( s ) Published by The E
  • Donaldson - 2018 - Railroads of the Raj Estimating the impact of transportation infrastructure
  • 6709
  • Krugman - 1991 - Increasing returns and economic geography
  • 新經濟地理學-2微積分與效用極大化
  • 新經濟地理_允文
  • Forslid and Ottaviano (2003)JEG math (final)
  • 新經濟地理學-3 FE Model
  • 2020Spring_course_gravity_Chingmu20200408
  • 20200415新經濟地理_陳芸萱
  • 新經濟地理學-4 Preparations for EK model
  • Rodríguez-clare - 2007 - Lectures Notes on the Eaton-Kortum Model
  • Eaton_Kortum_2002_Econometrica_20200513
  • Eaton_Kortum_2002_Econometrica_20200520
  • Eaton_Kortum_2002_Econometrica_20200603
  • 新經濟地理學期末報告說明
  • Caliendo, Parro - 2015 - Estimates of the trade and welfare effects of NAFTA
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices