Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 10802_ch00_Int
  • 10802_ch01
  • HW_1
  • 10802_ch02
  • Recent advances in on-line concentration and separation of amino acids using capillary electrophoresis
  • Review of recent developments of on-line sample stacking techniques and their application in capillary electrophoresis
  • Enzyme
  • 奈米材料於生醫檢驗之應用
  • 10802_ch05_NanoEnzyme
  • Label Free Electronic Detection of Thrombin in Blood Serum by Using an Aptamer Based Sensor
  • Label-free colorimetric detection of picomolar thrombin
  • Logical regulation of the enzyme-like activity of gold
  • Logic Control of Enzyme-Like Gold Nanoparticles for Selective Detection of Lead and Mercury Ions
  • Metal-deposited bismuth oxyiodide nanonetworks
  • 1_Green-Synthesis-of-Fluorescent-Carbon-Quantum-Dots-from-Azadirachta-indica-Leaves-and-Their-Peroxidase-Mimetic-Activity-for-the-Detection-of-H-2-O-2-and-Ascorbic-Acid-in-Co
  • 2_A-Facile-and-Simple-Strategy-for-the-Synthesis-of-Label-Free-Carbon-Quantum-Dots-from-the-latex-of-Euphorbia-milii-and-Its-Peroxidase-Mimic-Activity-for-the-Naked-Eye-Detec
  • 3_Green synthesis of high photoluminescence nitrogen-doped carbon quantumdots from grass via a simple hydrothermal method for removing organic andinorganic water pollutions
  • 4_Graphenepalladium-nanowires-based-electrochemical-sensor-using-ZnFe2-O4-graphene-quantum-dots-as-an-effective-peroxidase-mimicAnalytica-Chimica-Acta
  • 5_Ultrasensitive chemiluminescent biosensor for the detection
  • 6_ColorimetricEnzymaticDetermina
  • A review on recent progress in the detection methods and prevalence of human enteric viruses in water _ Elsevier Enhanced Reader
  • Recent progress in detection of mercury using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy — A review _ Elsevier Enhanced Reader
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices