Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 108(1) QOL Syllabus
  • 大腦是可能改變的
  • 自閉症學子的大學成功之路
  • 108.09.16國教署特教輔導團實施要點
  • 108.10.01研究倫理工作坊(四)議程
  • 1.教材設計與應用檢測說明(修訂後)
  • 2.教材設計-PPT多媒體簡報製作
  • 108學年度大專校院特殊教育學生各障礙類別鑑定檢附資料一覽表
  • US LifeReady
  • 2017國際成人技能評量
  • 108.11.30國北教大特教研討會徵稿
  • 108.07.18特教課程實施規範-公告
  • 彰化縣109年度特殊教育評鑑【身心障礙類】指標檢核表
  • 彰化縣109年度高級中等以下學校特殊教育評鑑工作【身心障礙類】實施計畫
  • 108年第2次鑑定及就學輔導會議手冊(全)
  • 109.01.10研究倫理研習
  • 109.05.15台中教大早療研討會
  • 108.12.07特教生高中教育後的教養及生涯
Recommended Courses
  • 1111-Teaching Students with Severe Dsabilities-12036
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1082-Communivation Skilld Training for Students with Severe & Multiple-12043
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1072-Consultation, Collaboation, & Teamwork in Special Education-12055
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1072-Communivation Skilld Training for Students with Severe & Multiple-12022
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1012-Significant Elements for Delivering Special Education Services-12074
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices