Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • pythonlib
  • mathpythontxt
  • mathpythontxt
  • hw1
  • d20190918
  • hw918
  • sincurve
  • IMG_20190918_155114
  • newtonloop
  • newtontexta
  • newton's method
  • newtontexta
  • A linear line fitting a nonlinear line
  • linearreg
  • Two curve solution newton method
  • curvetwo
  • curveex
  • curvehw1
  • Solving a system of linear equations
  • solvelineareqs
  • curve fitting
  • linearreg
  • curve fitting
  • curvefittingnonlinear
  • curvefittingnonlinear
  • CURVE FITTING WITH 2nd order ploynomial
  • polynominalfitting
  • pycubicspline
  • pycubicspline
  • pycubicspline
  • pycubicsplinea
  • pycubicsplinea
  • pycubicspline
  • subplot
  • derivate123
  • derivative
  • IMG_20190918_155114
  • integration
  • integrationtrapezoidal
  • ch6problem6-2
  • IMG_20191120_152759
  • integrationt38simpsona
  • Simpsons 3div8 method
  • fourth order runge-kutta 20191204
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts (1)
  • 1stode20191204
  • ODE ordinary differential equation
  • a system of 1st ode20191211
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-system (1)
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-system-b
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-system-bb
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-2ndode-a_(1)
  • fourth order runge-kutta 20191218
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-2ndode-b (1)
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-2ndode-b (1)
  • prob711
  • IMG_20191225_140328 (1)
  • fourth_order_runge_kutts-2ndode-b
  • d20201102polynomialregressionwithfourthorder
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices