Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • IP-syllabus(2019s)
  • IP-internet evolution
  • IP-osi model
  • IP-underlying technologies
  • IP-network layer
  • IP-ipv4 addresses
  • IP-delivery
  • IPv4
  • ARP
  • IP-icmpv4
  • Mobile IP
  • TCP
  • Unicast Routing Protocols
  • IP-transport layer
  • SCTP
  • IP-application layer
  • IP-udp
  • SNMP
  • IP-host configuration
  • IPv6 addressing
  • IPv6 protocol
  • IP-multicasting
  • IP-multimedia
Recommended Courses
  • 1081-Wireless Local Area Network-54050
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1072-Information Literacy-00246
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1072-Object Oriented Program Design-54002
    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1021-Wireless Local and Metropolitan Area Network-54025
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 1011-Wireless Local and Metropolitan Area Network-54025
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices