Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
ch01 資訊管理的基本概念與架構
ch02 資訊管理的科技觀點
ch03 資訊管理的經濟面觀點
G1 Ch 4 資訊管理的產業面觀點
G2 Ch5 資管組織面觀點
ch07 電子商務的經營模式與策略
G1 Ch8 社群運算與行動運算
G2 Ch9 ERP, CRM, and SCM
G3 CH10 KM & IT
ch11 資訊管理的策略投資規劃與實施觀點
HRIS Ch11 Talent Management
HRIS Ch12 Recruitment and Selection
HRIS Ch13 Training and Development
HRIS Ch14 Performance Management
- Course Introduction
- Course Plan
- 評論