Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • CH1
  • CH10 USA
  • CH11 Australia
  • CH12 New Zealand
  • CH2 HK
  • CH5 JP
  • CH8 Malaysia
  • CH9 Singapore
  • Mapping_Citizenship
  • 建構與釋義:大學生公民素養內涵探析
  • SSCI2014Marriage Immigration and Multicultural Families Public Policies and Their Implications for the Philippines and South Korea
  • TSSCI2013全球化效果的侷限:臺灣民眾對接納跨國移民的態度
  • TSSCI2016東南亞籍女性新移民之子女在族群自我認同與族群態度上之表現
  • ICCS 2009認知測驗與我國相關中學學生公民教育學習 成就評量之比較
  • 自由主義式公民教育理念及其問題
  • 解嚴前後國中公民與道德教科書 之課程演變
  • 通識中的儒家與現代公民教育
  • Mapping_Citizenship
  • YPC hand out_Kennedy, 2009 Globalised economies and liberalised curriculum
Recommended Courses
  • 1081-Introduction to Social Studies-78004
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  • 1072-Seminar on the Community Building in Taiwan-78059
    Period:Not set
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  • 1062-Sociology(II)-78016
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  • 1042-Studies of Selected Topics in Urban and Rural Developments-78059
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  • 1032-Studies of Selected Topics in Urban and Rural Developments-78060
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices