Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 1 Non-linear Regression
  • 2 Logistic Regression
  • 3 Single-factor ANOVA model
  • 4 Alternative ANOVA model & Regression
  • 5 Analysis of Factor Means
  • 6 Simultaneous Estimation and Testing
  • 7 ANOVA Model Diagnostic and Remedial Measures
  • 8 Two-factor ANOVA Model-Equal Sample Sizes
  • 9 Two-factor ANOVA Table
  • 10 Factor Effects in Two-factor ANOVA
  • 11 Randomizrd Complete Block Design
  • 12 Multifactor ANOVA Model
  • 13 Balanced Incomplete Block Design
  • 14 Latin Square Design
  • 15 2^k Factorial Designs
  • 16 Test of Independence- Contingency Tables
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  • 1002-Applied Statistics I-22029
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  • 1001-Category Data Analysis-28002
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices