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Grade:60 Fraction
  • A Monovalent Chimpanzee Adenovirus Ebola Vaccine Boosted with MVA
  • A petunia ethylene-responsive element binding factor,
  • A specialized flavone biosynthetic pathway has evolved in the medicinal plant
  • A20 Deficiency in Lung Epithelial Cells Protects against Influenza A Virus Infection
  • ARF and p53 Coordinate Tumor Suppression
  • Acquisition of the dorsal strustures in chordate amphioxus
  • Colour and pattern change against visually heterogeneous backgrounds in the tree frog Hyla japonica
  • Deciphering the transcriptomic response of Fusarium verticillioides in relation to nitrogen availability and the development of sugarcane pokkah boeng disease
  • Deletion of Indian hedgehog gene causes dominant semi-lethal Creeper trait in chicken
  • Development of Agave as a dedicated biomass
  • Differential temporal changes of primary and secondary bacterial symbionts and whitefly host fitness following antibiotic treatments
  • Disentangling adaptive evolutionary radiations and the role of diet in promoting diversification on islands
  • Geminivirus Activates ASYMMETRIC LEAVES
  • Identification of a laccase Glac15 from Ganoderma lucidum 77002 and its application in bioethanol production
  • Influences of Surface Coating, UV Irradiation and Magnetic Field on
  • Male sexually coercive behaviour drives increased swimming efficiency in female guppies
  • Natural Variation in Tomato Reveals Differences in the Recognition of AvrPto and AvrPtoB Effectors from Pseudomonas syringae
  • Phytoplasma SAP11 alters 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine
  • Root Endophyte Colletotrichum tofieldiae Confers Plant Fitness Benefits that Are Phosphate Status Dependent
  • Soybean-DREB1-CBF-type-transcription-factors-function-in-heat-and-drought-as-well-as-cold-stress-responsive-gene-expression
  • The coral core microbiome identifies rare bacterial taxa as ubiquitous endosymbionts
  • The relationship between sex change and reproductive success in a protandric marine gastropod
  • Toxicology Study of Single-walled
  • viposition by Spodoptera exigua on Nicotiana attenuata primes induced plant defence against larval herbivory
  • ΔNp63 mediates cellular survival and metastasis in canine osteosarcoma
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