Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • (發表用)Introducing Qualitative Data Analysis (Updated)
  • 105-1-Calendar-06
  • 2016F(中英文)(上課用)NCUE Res Methods in Eng Ed (To Be Revised)
  • AAqdmSsO 12年國教入學方式
  • Appendix (2) 講義104-F-NCUE (上課用)Res Methods in Eng Ed (Most Updated)
  • CDIA 附錄(一)CAQA
  • CDIA附錄(二) CAQA
  • CDIA附錄(三) Transcript Samples
  • CDIA附錄(四) NVivo Tutorial
  • SSP - 2007-4-13 Intro to QDA with Atlas
  • Syllabus1051(CHT)
  • T-5
  • atlasti
  • descriptive statistics(上課用)1
  • inferential statistics (Hypo-Testing)(上課用)2
  • 希臘字母讀音表
  • 曾守得老師資料
  • How To Prepare A Term Paper Research Proposal
  • 英語教學研究百題與學位論文十五招
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    Period:Not set
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices
  • 991-Research Methods in English Education-41055
    LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices