Pass condition
Grade:60 Fraction
  • 2015 ESSA Discussion 1
  • 2015 ESSA Discussion 2
  • 2015 ESSA Passed
  • 收心操
  • 104(2) Syllabus
  • 應用通用設計學習原則
  • B1C1 Why Is UDL a Lesson Planning Process (王麗雯)
  • B1C2 Defining Learing Goals (蔡宜昀)
  • B1C3 Taking a Variability Perspective (簡秀純)
  • B1C4 Assessing Learning (李玟昕)
  • B1C5 Choosing Wisely (王婉茹)
  • B1C6 Adding Value (林怡岑)
  • B1C7 Putting It Together (林恩立)
  • B2C1 UDL & Reality TV Collide (吳惠萍)
  • B2C2 學習策略-UDL的指導方針(黃筑筠)
  • B2C3 Recruiting & Engaging Students as UDL Partners (林家琪)
  • 104(2) 課程與教學研習
  • B2C4 Two Types of Learning Standards & UDL Implementation(曾新媛)
  • B2C5 Choice Assignments (陳哲瑋)
  • B2C6 Scaffolding (陳玉珠)
  • B2C7 The Best Ways to Teach Vocabulary (沈郁辰)
Recommended Courses
  • 1091-Collaboration & Consultation-12075
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  • 1062-Consultation, Collaboation, & Teamwork in Special Education-12060
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  • 1051-Severe & Multiple Disabilities-12028
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  • 1031-Instructional strategies for Teaching the Disabled(VI)-12053
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  • 1013-Practicum in Special Education (for Disabled Learners)(VI)-12002
    Period:Not set
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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices