成 績 :60 分
戴君翰 - Large-Scale Data Sets Clustering Based on MapReduce and Hadoop
楊智光 - Parallel_Ant_Colony_Optimization_on_Graphics_Processing_Unit
吳明峰 - A DCT-based Dual Watermark Scheme for Image Authentication and Recovery
李靖山 - A Robust Color Image Watermarking using Combination of DWT and DCT
邱韋承 - Teaching RFID Information Systems Security
賴建綸 - Exploring the Benefits of Augmented Reality Documentation for Maintenance and Repair
洪采嫻 - A Study on Perceived Similarity Between Photograph And Shape Exaggerated Caricature
林志陽 - High-fidelity reversible data hiding scheme based on multi-predictor sorting and selecting mechanism
黃宏哲 - Improved Block Truncation Coding Using Optimized Dot Diffusion
朱洵 - An effective Parallel Multistart Tabu Search for Quadratic Assignment Problem on CUDA platform
韓政宏 - GARO Framework: A Genetic Algorithm Based Resource Optimization for Organizational Efficiency
張菀真 - Deadline and Incast Aware TCP for cloud data center networks
黃勛賢 - Feature Selection Based on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis and Association Rule Mining for Soft-Sensor
邱子軒 - MPSCTP: A Simple and Efficient Multipath Algorithm for SCTP
王健安 - cuBLASTP
胡銜之 - An Enhanced ZigBee Indoor Positioning System With an Ensemble Approach
曾沛聰 - Hybrid ACO Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
戴君翰 - A Task Scheduling Algorithm for Hadoop Platform
楊智光 - Parallel Simulated Annealing
吳明峰 - Alterable-capacity fragile watermarking scheme with restoration capability
李靖山 - Exploring LSB Substitution and Pixel-value Differencing for Block-based Adaptive Data Hiding
邱韋承 - Clustering of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: An Approach for Black Hole Prevention
賴建綸 - Objects as Attributes for Scene Classification
洪采嫻 - A Method for Exaggerative Caricature Generation from Real Face Image
韓政宏 - Learning Intelligent Genetic Algorithms Using Japanese Nonograms
黃宏哲 - Enhanced AMBTC for Image Compression using Block Classification and Interpolation
朱洵 - High-Performance Symmetric Block Ciphers on Multicore CPU and GPU
林志陽 - Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion for Efficient Reversible Data Hiding
張菀真 - IA-TCP: A Rate Based Incast- Avoidance Algorithm for TCP in Data Center Networks
黃勛賢 - Cluster Optimization for Enhanced Web Usage Mining using Fuzzy Logic
邱子軒 - Data Center TCP (DCTCP)
王健安 - CUDA-BLASTP: Accelerating BLASTP on CUDA-Enabled Graphics Hardware
胡銜之 - Bluetooth Positioning using RSSI and Triangulation Methods
曾沛聰 - A Zone-Based Self-Organized Handover Scheme for Heterogeneous Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks
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