成  績 :60 分
  • 第一週閱讀材料
  • Concept based and knowledge structure
  • <課前閱讀>P21_Framework_Definitions
  • Thompson-2010-Curriculum in the Arts
  • week1_人文與課程及再思考DBAE
  • 認知心理學的發展對藝術教育及其研究的影響_txt
  • 課程理論電子書20120229
  • 課程模式與過程
  • 第二週閱讀材料
  • 01國際師資培育研討會評量工作坊分享
  • Eisner-Back to Whole
  • 第三週閱讀材料
  • The Role of assessment in classroom
  • Thoughts on a Relevant Art Curriculum for the 21st Century
  • 第四週閱讀材料
  • Principles of Possibility- Considerations for a 21st-Century
  • 美國近代學校藝術教育的課程演變
  • Art Education- Issues in Curriculum and Research
  • Contemporary Approaches to Aesthetic Inquiry
  • Instructional time and the place of aesthetic education in school curriculum
  • Marsh_curriculum_curriculum approaches
  • Revisiting Curriculum Conceptions_ A Thematic Perspective
  • 第五週閱讀材料
  • A comprehesive arts curriculum model Reimer
  • A guide to curricular integration
  • Modernism, Post Modernism, and Art Education
  • Modernism
  • Postmodern Principles- In Search of a 21st Century Art Education
  • The Threefold Curriculum and the Arts
  • The Threefold Curriculum and the Arts
  • UsingFTCStudies_Spring09_Sandell
  • a comporison of modern and postmodern arts education
  • modern and postmodern art education
  • Arts Integration in the Curriculum- A Review of Research and Implications for Teaching and Learning.pdf
  • 第六週閱讀材料
  • Curriculum Development in the Arts
  • Designing and Implementing big idea
  • Educational change and the arts_Walker
  • Students Creating Meaning Through Big Ideas
  • educational renewal
  • 第七週閱讀材料
  • Change in arts education TETAC
  • Contemporary Approaches to Aesthetic Inquiry
  • Integrated Curriculum and Our Paradigm of Cognition in the Arts
  • Postmodern Art Education:An Approach curriculum
  • Rethinking curriculum in context
  • 第八週閱讀材料
  • Beyond Paradigms- Art Education Theory and Practice in a Postparadigmatic World
  • Integrated Curriculum and Our Paradigm of Cognition in the Arts
  • ntegrated Curriculum- Possibilities for the Arts
  • 課程統整設計之模式與案例_陳瓊花
  • 第九週閱讀材料
  • Big Idea 陳瓊花
  • Big Ideas and Essential Questions in Curriculum
  • Teaching Meaning in Art making_integrated curriculum
  • Translated-IntegratedArticle-Walker_final for printing
  • UbD 2003 introduction
  • ch17_Walker big idea 2004_5
  • ch19_Jo reflection_Sydney Walker
  • 從評量學生的藝術學習進行「藝術與人文」之課程設計--反向的思考
  • UBD網路資源-官網
  • UBD網路資源
  • 視訊資料(有教學示範)
  • 第十週閱讀材料
  • Big Idea 與課程統整
  • Walker big idea 2004_5
  • ch03_integrated_curriculum-for-Eisner-handbook-5-18 Parsons
  • ch09_five ways to improve teaching art
  • 以視覺藝術為核心發展之Big Idea 課程模式
  • 以視覺藝術為核心發展之課程
  • 創作的省思 (我是: )20120425藝術教育課程理論handout
  • 第十一週閱讀材料
  • 10 Ways to Integrate Curriculum
  • Interdisciplinary Art Education_chap9
  • itsthethought1
  • itsthethought2
  • 第十二週閱讀材料
  • Issues vs
  • Program Analysis in Arts Education
  • 藝術領域課程整合的模式
  • 第十三週閱讀材料
  • A Teaching Strategy for Clarifying Aesthetic Values
  • AS001
  • Ralph Smith's Concept of Aesthetic Experience and Its Curriculum Implications
  • art integration curriculum planning model
  • arts integration curriculum model__worksheet
  • 第十四十五週閱讀材料
  • Big idea flow worksheet 4-27-2004.doc
  • HistoryClarifications.doc
  • UBD_Template[1]by_Wiggins_and_McTighe.doc
  • UBD_Template_OMS_2009=2010.doc
  • understanding_by_design_unit_template.doc
  • 上安藝術與人文領域統整課程設計工作單.doc
  • 藝術與人文領域統整課程設計工作單_3rd.doc
  • 第十六週閱讀材料
  • Five Ways to Integrate- Using Strategies from Contemporary Art.pdf
  • Students Creating Meaning Through Big Ideas.pdf
  • The Big Idea- Service-Learning and Art Education.pdf
  • 第十七週閱讀材料
  • pri_meth_teach_in_ae.ppt
  • 期末作業參考資料
  • Big Idea_結論架構圖-關鍵字--自覺.doc
  • Big Idea直式表格.doc
  • UbD big idea to design.pdf
  • 以Big Idea或Understanding為課程設計之評量表 (1).doc
  • 以Big Idea或Understanding為課程設計之評量表.doc
  • 馬家延_death and live.doc
  • 網路資訊Big idea.doc
  • 數位典藏融入視覺文化藝術教育課程.doc
  • 十二年國教相關資料
  • (補充資料1)第一波課綱實現十二年國教理念與目標之檢核表(國教院).doc
  • 103.02.17總綱草案Q&A(印製版第一階段)_0.pdf
  • 1030210十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱(草案)說明手冊.pdf
  • 1030210十二年國民基本教育課程總綱(草案).pdf
  • 1030214-課程發展指引本文.pdf
  • 1030214-課程發展指引附錄.pdf
  • 十二年國教課綱總綱草案20140224 (1).pdf
  • 十二年國教課綱總綱草案20140224.pdf
  • 理念與目標(研修中1021209).doc
  • 相關文獻資料
  • 10種課程研究的方法1990.pdf
  • 2012 下 課程理論 course_plan.doc
  • DBAE curriculum sampler 2.pdf
  • Handbook-of-Research-and-Policy-in-Art-Education-Kopie.pdf
  • How People Learn & Understanding by Design.pdf
  • 1072-藝術教育課程理論-44049
  • 1072-跨領域藝術教育研究-44047
  • 1042-論文寫作-44057
  • 1042-美術課程設計與評量-44065
  • 1021-批判理論與藝術教育-44059
